- Our Branches - Balaji Extension | Kashipuram | Aditya Nagar | Mahimapur
- +91 8009924241
- holychildrens@gmail.com
Admission Procedure
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- Admission Procedure

APPLY ONLINE @ www.holyschoolandhostel.com Apply offline by purchasing Admission Kit with the admission form at school reception.
Step 1: You will be assisted by our representative for introduction to our school.
Step 2: You will need to purchase admission form.
Step 3: Formal meeting with parents will be conducted.
Step 4: Parents orientation and filling up of admission form
Step 5: Submission of filled admission form with required documents as mention below:
- Birth Certificate (Only for nursery & K.G.) or/& Aadhar Card
- Copy of residence proof
- Occupation proof of parents
- Report Card (Class I onward)
- TC (f) Marksheet of previous school
Step 6: The entrance test will be conducted as per the decision of the admission counselor
Step 7: Result of oral & written Entrance Examination
Step 8: Deposit admission & school fee on the acceptance of admission by the Principal.
The Fee must be deposited at the time of seat allotted for admission in our school.
You are welcome to Holyian Group
Rules for Fee Payment
- The fee must be paid as per the fee card allotted to the student by the accounts department during the time of admission.
- School Fees are inclusive of tuition fees, *Amenity charges include Computer fees, PT-1+11+III+IV, Projector classes, Audio – Video classes, Inter-house competitions, Creative work, Leisure time activities, Almanac, Syllabus, Fee Card, Sports, Library Fee, Notice and circulars, Personality development courses, etc.
- School fees must be paid strictly before the last date of every month, or else a fine of Rs. 50/- per month up to the number of months not paid will be charged
- Fees will be accepted through the Cash/Cheque/Swipe machine
In case of payment through Swipe machine, if the amount exceeds Rs. 2000, an additional 1% will be charged as transaction charges. - T.C. application charge is Rs. 600/T.C.